venus  is looking for a Room in Wageningen

venus is looking for: A Room in Wageningen

  • Room
  • Min. 17 m2
  • Female
  • 22 Immediately

As a friendly and responsible person, I am seeking to rent a student room. I am highly committed to my studies and understand the importance of a peaceful and supportive living environment. As a roommate, I prioritize open and effective communication, ensuring that everyone feels heard and understood. I am considerate of others' privacy and personal space .Additionally, I am responsible and reliable when it comes to taking care of shared spaces. I am eager to contribute to a positive and respectful atmosphere within the student community.

General information: venus
  Female, 29 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year master of Food quality management (University)
  Lid van Master of Food quality management en Master of food quality management